It was great to be back at London’s Park Lane Hotel again last week for another fabulous Awards Ceremony – this time the Risk Awards. Hosted by Incisive Media, the evening began with a champagne reception in the ballroom foyer (that’s where I came in!). I played a selection of songs from the shows, a little Gershwin, Porter and Berlin and some ragtime music to welcome the guests into the reception and create the right ambiance for an Awards Ceremony. A beautiful Yamaha grand piano had been hired in especially for the occasion which was a real treat.
After the magnificent gala dinner, there was a short ‘cabaret’ spot from Miles Jupp. I remember Miles from his Balamory days when my children watched endless episodes with Miles as Archie the Inventor. I must say, he has talents I never knew – stand-up comedy of the highest order. Miles had the entire, mostly male dominated, room eating out of the palm of his hand. He managed to make Risk Management seem even more boring than it probably is and had the room in stitches. What a joy to watch.
After the awards, guests retreated once again to the foyer area where I continued playing with the late cocktail piano set. I just love being the pianist for London Awards Ceremony music. I have met the most interesting people, eaten wonderful food and enjoyed great entertainment. I really can’t wait for the next one!
If you’re looking to hire a pianist for an Awards Ceremony, please call us on 01252 821567 and see how we can help.